Thursday, April 27, 2017

Patriot Plus - Drawing Video Game Characters

6th and 8th grade students designed video game characters inspired by video games they have played or from their imaginations this week in Mrs. Nhu's Patriot Plus open session!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Rainbow Suns!

6th Grade, 6th Rotation
Competed Apr. 21st, 2017

Students created their own sun design inspired by the art of the Aztec and Huichol tribes of Mexico. Students then used markers and rainbow order to create a striking pattern and visual effect.


Monday, April 24, 2017

M.C. Escher Tessellations

7th & 8th Grade, 2nd Semester
Completed Apr. 20th, 2017

Students analyzed the art of M.C. Escher and then created their own mathematical tessellation.


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

8 Human Commonalities

7th & 8th Grade, 2nd Semester
Completed Apr. 13th, 2017

Students learned about Dr. Ernest Boyer's 8 Human Commonalities which are 8 experiences all humans have no matter where or when they lived. Creating art inspired by one of them helped students reflect on positive aspects of group identity.